About us


Welcome to Nsikawathu, your number one digital source for all digital business activities and business information. Business should not be burdensome and we are here to make sure of that. We bring you a digital World where you get to do your business with ease and professionalism.


Nsikawathu Business Network is a Malawian based E - Commerce. We are an online social media platform that offers and focuses on digital business services. We are an online business platform where sellers and buyers meet digitally for trade activities. We are on url:www.nsikawathu.com. We are a Malawian registered business entity. We are based and operating from  our Blantyre Administration office which is in Room 14, 2nd floor, Agma House, Maserema. Our customer services office is in Limbe in Room 2, Right wing, 1st floor, Chagwamnjira House next to Limbe Police. Nsikawathu Business Network was created in March 2022. Our services can be categorised into two categories. That is, online advertising services which allow members of the platform to advertise their products and services to other users and visitors on the platform. Secondly is online selling service which allow our users to sell their services and both tangible and digital products on the platform to other users. We are here to connect individuals to individuals, individuals to businesses and businesses to businesses both within Malawi and across the Globe. We are here to sell Malawi to Malawi and to sell Malawi to the entire World. Nsikawathu Business Network is a distributor not a content creator nor a publisher. That is to say, we are not creators of the contents of the platform rather we only offer a platform where the individuals and businesses can come and use the services available. Individuals and businesses come to the platform, then create and publish their desired profiles or accounts under which they create their desired adverts, online stores and so on. Anything available and appearing on the platform has a user who might have created it and published it and not Nsikawathu Business Network Administration. Nsikawathu Business Network works as follows: Anyone can visit the platform and view everything from adverts to online stores available on the platform. One has to create an account by registering right on the platform if he or she wants to take part like: making reviews, making purchases, sending messages and other services. All members of the platform chose either a free membership subscription which has limited access to other services. This free subscription can be upgraded anytime to a paid subscription in order to have full access to all services available on the platform. All users who subscribe to a paid membership subscription choose from a list of packages according to their requirements. The paid membership subscriptions are changed per year based on the amount of data a user wants to use under his or her account. The more the data to be used, the higher the subscription fee. Any paid membership subscription is refundable only to users who will sell their services or products on the platform and in the case that their total sales’ deductions exceed their membership subscription. The platform deducts 15% for all digital products and 6% for all tangible products and services sold on the platform. All users selling their services or products on the platform will be able to monitor all their sales from what is called seller dashboard on the platform and will request for withdrawal of their funds at any time. Upon placing a request for funds withdrawal, the Nsikawathu Admin will receive a notification and will transfer the money from Nsikawathu Bank Account to the user’s provided account like: Airtel Money, TNM Mpamba, Bank Account or PayPal Account for international sellers. Funds will also be sent to an international seller through cross boarder money transfer means like: Western Union, Mukuru or Money Gram according to the choice of the seller.  




(i) Online Selling Services: The platform allows users to create their own designated online stores where they can sell tangible items or digital products or both in the same store. The digital products which can be sold include: music videos, music audios, audio poems, comedies, dramas, movies, software and any digital file. All users manage their stores and sales by themselves. A user will create and upload tangible or digital products in his or her store without Nsikawathu’s involvement by watching step by step videos available on the platform. Still, support is always available in case of any problem or challenge faced. The platform also allows the creation of online courses or lessons. In this a user will go to E-Learning section on the platform and create the course which will include a multiple-choice test at the end of the course. The creator will share the course on the platform either for free or for sell. Anyone willing to take any commercial course will have to first pay for it right on the platform.


(ii) Online Advertising Services: The platform allows users to create adverts and publish them for users and visitors to see. This is from personal adverts to highly reputable corporate companies’ adverts. Individuals and businesses can advertise whatever service or product they might be offering. Our advertising services are professionally presented and designated for specific adverts. We have classifieds adverts service for classifieds related adverts like: cars, cell phones, furniture and others. We have Real-Estate adverts service for Real Estate adverts like: houses for rent, offices for rent and for all Real estate related adverts. We also have Events adverts service for all events related adverts like: music concerts, football matches, birthday parties and others. Last but not the least is our accounts. All the accounts or profiles are adverts on their own as they provide basic business information of the user or the business that might have created the account.


(iii) Easy Business Connection Services: Nsikawathu Business Network is designated and intended to accommodate everyone and any business entity including organisations, ministries and even churches. Our accounts are real and authentic. We do not allow fake names, nick names, fake or untrue account or profile information and we do not allow an individual to have two or more accounts unless the other is personal and the rest are business accounts for real businesses that exist. There are different types of accounts on the platform so as to ensure accommodation for anyone and anything. Our default account type is a guest type which is for individuals who simply want to join the platform just to check how the platform is. From there we have personal account for individuals. Then we have office account for offices. And finally, we have Merchant account for well-established Merchants. With these types of accounts, we can all be together in this digital space and get connected and transact with each other easily. Individuals will easily connect to other individuals. Business will easily connect to their customers. Businesses will easily connect to other businesses. Creating an account of any type and making connections is for free to all users. The platform also offers free messaging service for easy communication to all users.



Our vision is to reaching out to as many Malawians as possible with very easy-to-use and very affordable digital business services. With the passing of time, it is evident beyond doubt that digitalisation is the way to go. Businesses become: fast, more secured, more convenient, more widely available and less expensive when done digitally than manually. It is our vision to bring into this digital space, Nsikawathu Business Network, many digital business services apart from the ones already available on the platform. Currently we are working on E-Tickets which will cover for all businesses that deal in selling their services by selling tickets. It’s our vision to have Nsikawathu Business Network to stand out as one of the people’s choices in this field of digital marketing by meeting consumers’ and businesses’ needs, demands and expectations.


We hope you will enjoy our services and products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Contact Us
Search on the profiles for: Nsikawathu Support

● Via Email: info@nsikawathu.com
● Via Phone Number: +265985254840 or +265888062063
● Via this Link: https://www.nsikawathu.com/contact
● Via this Address: Nsikawathu, Post Office, Box 30561, Lilongwe 3, Malawi
Date created: 25/05/2022