



  • To quickly know how to; create an account, buy credits and buy anything in any of our stores, click here to download or watch a video.
  • Click here to watch a video showing how you can create an account. Chichewa version. Click here to download the video (145mb) 
  • Click here to watch a video showing how you can create an account. English version. Click here to download the video (106mb) 
  • To know how you can buy credits for your account click here to watch a video or here to download the video (35mb)
  • To know how you can buy a product in our online stores click here to watch a video or here to download the video (38mb)
  • To know how you can create a product in your online store on Nsikawathu click here to watch a video or here to download the video (72mb)



Nsikawathu Business Network is an Online Digital Business platform. This is a digital site for individuals, groups, clubs, oraganisations, institutions, businesses, offices, churches, and ministries to come together and interact. We are here to get you connected and offer you digital services just to make your work easier and more effective. With us, your business, institution or organisation will be available to the public 24/7 365. Our services are unique, professional and up to date just meet and satisfy your needs in this digital age. 


Our Services

At Nsikawathu we are focused and dedicated to digitalising business services that are done manually and improving and advancing already existing digital business services. The following are the services we currently have on the platform. We are still working on more services like E-Ticket, Freelance, digital auction and more.


1. Selling Online

The platform allows users to create their own designated online stores where they can sell tangible items or digital products or both in the same store. The digital products which can be sold include: music videos, music audios, audio poems, comedies, dramas, movies, software and any digital file. All users manage their stores and sales by themselves. A user will create and upload tangible or digital products in his or her store without Nsikawathu’s involvement by watching step by step videos available on the platform. Still, support is always available in case of any problem or challenge faced. The platform also allows the creation of online courses or lessons. In this a user will go to E-Learning section on the platform and create the course which will include a multiple-choice test at the end of the course. The creator will share the course on the platform either for free or for sell. Anyone willing to take any commercial course will have to first pay for it right on the platform.


2. Advertising

The platform allows users to create adverts and publish them for users and visitors to see. This is from personal adverts to highly reputable corporate companies’ adverts. Individuals and businesses can advertise whatever service or product they might be offering. Our advertising services are professionally presented and designated for specific adverts. We have classifieds adverts service for classifieds related adverts like: cars, cell phones, furniture and others. We have Real-Estate adverts service for Real Estate adverts like: houses for rent, offices for rent and for all Real estate related adverts. We also have Events adverts service for all events related adverts like: music concerts, football matches, birthday parties and others. Last but not the least is our accounts. All the accounts or profiles are adverts on their own as they provide basic business information of the user or the business that might have created the account.


3. Job Management

Job vacancy creation and job vacancy centre. Offer job vacancies to the public and also find job vacancies created by individuals, companies, institutions, organisations and more.


4. Information Sourcing Centre

Get information about different individuals, businesses, companies, organisations and government entities. With different types of profiles, almost any entity can create an account and reach the public easily.


5. Building Communities

The site helps to build communities for individuals, businesses, organisations etc that fall under the same category. Individuals and businesses can search for others with similar interest and build their own communities for easy growth and for easy interaction.


6. Connecting individuals and Businesses

Nsikawathu Business Network is designated and intended to accommodate everyone and any business entity including organisations, ministries and even churches. Our accounts are real and authentic. We do not allow fake names, nick names, fake or untrue account or profile information and we do not allow an individual to have two or more accounts unless the other is personal and the rest are business accounts for real businesses that exist. There are different types of accounts on the platform so as to ensure accommodation for anyone and anything. Our default account type is a guest type which is for individuals who simply want to join the platform just to check how the platform is. From there we have personal account for individuals. Then we have office account for offices. And finally, we have Merchant account for well-established Merchants. With these types of accounts, we can all be together in this digital space and get connected and transact with each other easily. Individuals will easily connect to other individuals. Business will easily connect to their customers. Businesses will easily connect to other businesses. Creating an account of any type and making connections is for free to all users. The platform also offers free messaging service for easy communication to all users.


Creating an account

Nsikawathu Business Network is a digital marketing place. Virtualise Nsikawathu as a digital market and as a digital market, everything present is and should be digital. Your account is a digital you in this market place. Just as you would physically go to the market and buy a mobile phone, the same you can do here by browsing our stores while logged in with your account. You use your account to do anything you may wish to do on the platform. This is a business site, hence we do mandate to use only true information and real details about you or your business, office, institution, organisation or what so ever you would like to be digitally present on this platform. These accounts are sometimes referred to as profiles. The platform can accommodate any individual and business entity. To ensure this we have a number of different types of accounts as below.


Types of our accounts

1. Guest Account

This is the default account. When you are creating a new account, when one is signing up, the account is by default set to this type. This requres just few details; a name, an email address and a password. If you would like to add more details to your account, then go to edit an account and fill out the details you would like to share with visitors and others users. If you would like to change your account to personal account you simply go to edit account and change profile type.


2. Personal Account

This is for individuals who would like to be full members of the platform. This requires the user to share more details so as to be well presented. Under this category, we have sub categories namely; "Personal (Local)" which is for personal accounts for those who are in Malawi and not Malawians only. The second subcategory is "Personal (Africa)" which is for those who are in Africa and outside Malawi. So, When you are updating your Guest account to personal account, choose "Personal (Local)" if you are in Malawi or "Personal (Africa)" if you are outside Malawi but in Africa or choose "Personal" if you are not in Africa. Our online stores let sellers sell their products with different prices depending on the location of the buyer. That is, a price for those in Malawi, another  price for those in Africa but outside Malawi and a different price for those outside Africa yet the same product.


3. Office Account

The third type of our account is an Office Account. Office Accounts are designed for offices. This is when the owner or the holder of the office would like to present his or her office digitally on the platform. Examples of such office accounts are: Manager's office account, Director's office account, Treasurer's office account, Accountant's office account, Village Chief's office account, Pastor's office account and many more. An Office Account or Profile, will have office details. Such accounts will be run and managed by the current holder of the office. Upon change of an officer, the login details are given to the new holder of the office. As in Personal Accounts, the Office account has also two sub categories, that is, firstly, "Office (Local)" which is for offices in Malawi. Secondly, "Office (Africa)" which is for offices in Africa and not in Malawi. For those offices outside African continent, you simply choose  "Office."


4. Merchant Account 

The last type of our accounts is a merchant account. This one is for businesses, for sellers only. This is for businesses which have grown from being a personal business, from entirely being run by a single individual to  being run by few workers or supporters. For example grocery stores, min supermarkets, small workshop, small salon and others. When a business grows to having offices the one or more offices can sign up on the platform to join Nsikawathu. If you business is not so small as a single-person-run and managed business and is also not so big to have an office, you choose merchant account.



Here are other things you can do on this platform


Rating other users

You can rate other users for visitors and other users to see. After you have done a business with any user, you can post your ratings for that user. You rating will depend on the experience you might have with the user. Your rating will help individuals and business to improve their services so as to get better ratings which is beneficial to their businesses.


Keep Special Notes about certain users 

You can keep special noted for particular users just for you to remember. The user you might keep notes for, will not be able to see the notes. Only you, the creator of the notes will be able to see the notes. This will help you not to forget certain issues about certain users.



1. This is strictly a BUSINESS platform, make sure that whatever you post is business oriented. Be it a photo, video, topic, blog etc. it should all be business related.

2.   You are not allowed to bring to this platform ( any false information in any way. Anything you post should be true and very authentic.

3. All profiles should be real and genuine. No fake profiles are allowed. Create profiles of your own and of your own businesses. If you are creating a profile of someone else's business, make sure you have a well acknowledged permission from the owner or the business.


If you have any question, please contact us